Get to know us

The Beginning

The idea for UP! My Money began a few years ago when I was teaching underserved adults and inmates important job and life skills through a non-profit organization. My goal was to help them secure better jobs upon graduation—or release—and build a brighter future for themselves and their families.

To prepare them for job searches and salary negotiations, I asked a simple question: “What’s your number?” In return, I often got blank, confused stares.

“What’s the salary number you need to make so you can fully afford the life you have or want to build?” I would explain. But still, there was confusion.

“If it costs you $25 an hour to sustain your current lifestyle, you need to look for jobs that pay at least $25 an hour. If you accept a job that pays only $15 an hour, you’re $10 an hour short. That means you’ll either need another job, a side-hustle, or you’ll have to cut expenses by that amount.”

Gradually, they began to understand the importance of “knowing their number.” But it’s not just them—many people struggle with this concept. That’s why I created these resources: to help everyone get clear about their finances, set realistic goals, and create actionable plans to achieve better financial outcomes.

In other words, I want to help you UP! your money!

James Jeffley
Founder / Coach

James Jeffley is an award-winning international speaker and corporate trainer, published author, musician, minister, and two-time finalist in the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking.

He is not a certified financial planner, investment guru, or CPA, and nothing presented here should be considered financial advice. These tools are designed to help you gain clarity around your finances, develop strategies, set goals, and take action toward creating greater financial clarity and confidence.

All decisions are your own, and you should consult with a financial planner or certified expert for personalized advice. My goal is to help you get prepared to have that conversation.

Who I Am